onsdag 12 maj 2010

A good .screenrc config setup

GNU Screen is a great tool for keeping sessions alive even when exiting the ssh connection.
This ~/.screenrc config puts a nice bar at the bottom with a clock/date bar. It also put labels automatically when using the ssh command to connect to a new host, which is a real timesaver.

This ~/.screenrc configfile was of course found on the internet and has been modified.

# Statusbar
hardstatus alwayslastline "%{= KW} Screen(s): %-w%{= wk} %50>%n %t%{-}%+w%< %=%{KW}[%c %M %d %Y ]"

# Turn off start message:
startup_message off

# Set messages timeout to one second:
msgwait 2

# Shell path can be needed on some systems
#shell /usr/local/bin/bash

# Use a 30000-line scrollback buffer
defscrollback 30000

# Activity flash bar
activity "activity in %n (%t) [%w:%s]~"

# Run everything in UTF-8.
defutf8 on

defnonblock on
autodetach on

# Use the function keys to switch among windows.
#bindkey -k k1 select 1
#bindkey -k k2 select 2
#bindkey -k k3 select 3
#bindkey -k k4 select 4
#bindkey -k k5 select 5
#bindkey -k k6 select 6
#bindkey -k k7 select 7
#bindkey -k k8 select 8
#bindkey -k k9 select 9
#bindkey -k k; select 10
#bindkey -k F1 select 11
#bindkey -k F2 select 12

#bindkey -k F1 prev
#bindkey -k F2 next

# Window numbering starts at 1, not 0.
#bind c screen 1
#bind 0 select 10

To enable automatic title updating when jumping around with ssh, add this to ~/.bashrc:

function ssh() {
echo -n -e "\033k$1\033\134"
/usr/bin/ssh $@
echo -n -e "\033k`hostname -s`\033\134"
echo -n -e "\033k`hostname -s`\033\134"

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